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Fourth Slave

They had no choice. Most of them were abducted after due research. They had to be alone with no close family, down on their luck and not likely to be missed. They didn't have to be pretty, very few were, but they did have to be in goodish shape and still making an effort. There were some volunteers among them but you didn't normally know which were abducted and which weren't. The research was that comprehensive that the abduction was almost saving them from a fate that was unacceptable to them and worse than what they were going through in Slaveria.

All responsibility for rent, bills, food and making a living were taken away from them and for the first week or so they were very pampered and looked after. All will tell you that, once the shock of the change had worn off and the pampering made them feel wanted and very aware of themselves, they tended to allow it to happen to them. What was on offer was a life without responsibility in return for devotion to a Master or Mistress who would treat them as a valuable asset that could make them money. They all signed a contarct agreeing to these terms so they were not really illegal. I don't know what would happen if the slave refused to sign or was insistent that they would no allow the sale to proceed.

Slaveria sold all its slaves to clients such as me. Each slave came at a price that seemed based on the time they had been there. The longer they had been there, the more they cost up to a peak and after that, the price would decline. Nobody knew what happened to those that didn't sell and the shelf life was about one month and based on activity with buyer interest and / or interviews. The slaves knew about this but had little idea of time passing.

Each slave could use whatever charms they had to attract buyer's interest and most succeeded in having some sort of gimmick that they used to attract the buyers. Obviously, they had to socialise at mealtimes so they became aware of how the system worked from earlier inductees and within a week newbies could see people disappearing either to a buyer or to Lord knows where.

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