So, I reflected, I had quite a day ahead of me. Initially excitement coursed through me as I contemplated the evening to come, and the scope to explore the new extensions to my sexuality. I vividly recalled some moments of the time I had already spent with Carla, particularly it seemed, when I felt truly submissive to her, and they felt so exciting to reflect on.
However this excitement was increasingly tinged with concern. I'd seen how easily and expertly she could take my cock, and I knew I was expected to do that with her larger cock. I didn't know how I'd do that and I thought it would hurt. The erotic charge that had carried me through all of yesterday evening and this morning had somewhat dissipated without her there and this meant as the day wore on I got more and more nervous.
Occasionally I wondered what this meant about my sexuality. I recalled her comments about sexuality being on a spectrum and how men are wired for anal pleasure, and to be honest decided to put this on 'pause'. I figured I was going to explore something that turned me on, and I could deal with the philosophical consequences of that later. Nobody but Carla needed to know about it and I thought if it didn't work I could put the genie back in the bottle, or at least find a women who could understand what had happened.
Walking around, it wasn't like I suddenly found men attractive - although I did find myself contemplating the size of men's packages in a more active way, but I figured, the cock was interesting to me, but not the form - men were not arousing me but were a way to experience some of the feelings I had found with Carla, nothing more.
I got home with some time to spare, and thought the best way to deal with my fears was to do some research, so I booted up the porn machine and googled shemales. I found some video on demand sites and began to watch them. I was focusing on how to suck and be fucked, as I was pretty sure that was what was in store for me. There was so much out there! Awesome.