Why do guys on the porn, dating sites and social media sites I'm on want to chat live on video all the time? And if I don't agree they unfriend and even block me. Why? Aren't my videos and pixies good enough? They are of me...they ae real, and not photoshopped (except for sharpness and clarity.) I have two jobs working 7 days a week and I volunteer for a number of nonprofits. In short, I don't have much free time. Just enough to post a pic or video here and there, and maybe send out one email or message. But I don't have time to chat with a guy nonstop all day or do live video chats.
Please...please...especially if you're one of my "friends," just enjoy my content here...my pics, videos, and stories. And enjoy my stuff on other blogs too. Like at https://chrissyinsd.blogspot.com/ I will chat when I can, but please don't get upset if I can't chat a lot or go on skype or any other video chat service. Please just enjoy my pics and videos. As I enjoy yours. I do appreciate and love you, don't take this personally I'm just very busy. Okay? Anyways...thank you for reading this and understanding. I love you all.