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Samantha sissy TGTF

Samuel feels biologically confused but it's not over, the game now declares that his body will be
filled with progesterone and in fact his body now begins to develop an even more slender and sexy
belly, a perfect flat stomach as a model, immediately after a nod. breast grows, a cup A, begins to
grow like a delicate flower.
With his hands samuel touches that sumptuous body smooth as silk and his new curves well
sculpted like a work of art, up to his cock which had remained unchanged all the time, was still hard
as rock, Samuel explores his body feeling the pleasure of feeling the hardness of his cock between
two soft and smooth thighs rubbing on the hard shaft.
But now his penis was also undergoing changes, his balls full of estrogen and progesterone begin to
shrink his testicles from the inside, the balls continue to maintain their volume but internally the
testicles were shrinking (an X-ray image for understand what also happens inside his body) remain
swollen full of hormonal fluid, Samuel squeezes his balls with one hand due to internal tingling but
feels nothing, in fact he no longer felt pain by squeezing his balls because by now his testicles were
completely dissolved leaving only cute puffy balls to squeeze like the games they sell in newsstands
as anti-stress.
From his throat she feels a slight choke, his adam's apple is reduced to a crack in the esophagus and
visibly disappears, his noises and light male moans are transformed into those of a horny girl.
In the background, the game welcomes Samantha.
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Her penis is really thrilled and aroused by the transformation, finally after her chest has developed
very feminine nipples her breasts begin to seriously grow into a plentiful and busty natural D cup
with fully developed nipples, soft tits. they puff up like mozzarella and keep a perfect and abundant
shape that any woman would envy, her hair grows long and wavy like a beautiful blonde from a
porn magazine, and she begins to walk on tiptoe, moves towards a vertical bedroom mirror to see

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