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Gilding the Lilly

It was a dark and stormy night. Oh, wait, I was taught NEVER to begin a story like that. (Snoopy can get away with it, but he does all his writing with a typewriter balanced on his doghouse). OK, getting back to important things. It was actually early Autumn out in the Desert, cool weather was starting to set in (yeah, I know, 'cool' is relative—temps had been dropping for the last few weeks from highs 90s down to the low 70s now, normal for Vegas weather this time of year) and it was delightful to be here. I LOVE this time of year, Halloween is just past and I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, once again. My friends are around and dropping in to visit, bringing holiday fun times. I get to decorate the apartment and make it festive and we have small, impromptu parties and get togethers and even a few drunken debaucheries, from time to time.

I am blessed with a sweet circle of wonderful friends. For those who don't know me, yet, I am a Transgender Woman but have only had partial surgeries, so far. My Doctors, here in town, have given me gorgeous breasts and lovely cleavage, but I am still saving for bottom surgery. Yes, I still have my lady clit and occasionally am allowed to share it with a few special people. Mostly, I live the life of a retired Lady, my cats keeping me company when two legged Friends are not around.

Lilly is a dear Lady who had been around my circle for quite some time, a year or five, at least. She loves my cats and they really enjoy it every time she comes over. She is a very loving person, reaching out to help whenever she can. Lilly has brightened my days many times, just by being there when I needed her (and even when I didn't KNOW I needed her). No, we had never played together; like me she is a Transgender Lady and has a lovely figure, creamy, flawless skin and blonde hair that just doesn't quit. She has been over for pool parties, many times, and fills out a bikini better than most models.

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