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A Surprise Relationship

After the visible scars healed, we would go out with him dressed as Kim. Watching his recovery, and seeing him becoming Kim more every day, I found that my feelings were getting stronger and my attraction growing. Not for Kim, but for the Kim version of Tony. They were so much alike. The looks, the personality, even the little gestures and movements I remembered Kim making. Other than his body, Tony was Kim as much as he could be. It was so hard for me at times, as I was constantly fighting my feelings. It was confusing to me as I found myself falling in love with Tony as Kim, and I had to keep reminding myself that this was not my Kim.


Chapter 2

It was now late May, and two months had passed since the night I had received that phone call from Tony. The scars had heeled so they were almost no longer visible, and a little bit of make-up hid them completely. He had an appointment for a full check-up, but he needed to go to it as Tony. We found some of his male clothes that still fit him (he had lost almost 20 pounds), but he needed to buy male underwear, as he hadn't worn any for several years. We managed to find some red nylon boxer briefs, which he said were almost the same as boyshorts, and felt almost as good as his panties, except for the fit of them. Because of the different medications he was taking after his assault, the doctor had recommended that he stop taking the hormones, as they could have caused adverse reactions. As a result, his budding breasts had not only stopped growing, but had completely shrunk back to a normal male chest. He also needed to shave and remove his body hair more often.

The doctor gave him a complete examination, including anal and prostate exams, and also gave him the results of the STD and AIDS tests they had given him. All of the tests had come back negative, and he was given a clean bill of health. He was told that, other than a few small scars, he was completely recovered. He also said that Tony could resume taking the hormones, if he wanted to. Of course Tony immediately said that he did want to, and the doctor wrote him a prescription, as well as set up a series of appointments for hormone shots.

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