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A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time

A Perfect Pandemic
A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Novelette by Alexandra Rios
Text Copyright Reserved
© August, 2021
Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, danger, and deadly violence that transgender women so often suffer. For not all transgender lives are sorrowful, and the joys and successes of other transwomen can offer a beacon of hope to those less fortunate.
Lara Little, the fictional heroine of this fantasy, finds joy and success while transitioning in a world upturned by Covid and its consequences. I hope her journey inspires and gives you hope. I only wish I could tell you that it’s true.
Author’s Note
If you are reading this on a forum that hosts comments, please offer me any criticisms, comments, or praise there. If not, or if you want your opinions to be confidential, email me at
If you enjoyed this novella, please also consider reading my novel, The Greatest Liar, Trans Erotica With a Purpose, which is available in the Kindle Bookstore as a download or in Kindle Select.
Here is an independent review.
“The Greatest Liar: Trans Erotica with a Purpose”, by Alexandra Rios is simply an amazing novel that reads like a memoir. Interspersed with tons of incredibly detailed eroticism, this coming of age tale depicts the transformation of a gender challenged male-born youth spinning and often careening her way into young adulthood as a female. The author demonstrates a wonderful writing talent, unfolding her eloquent story in a masterful manner, incorporating an in-depth knowledge of the gender transition process and the inherent speed bumps that those on this journey often need to negotiate.
In addition, author Rios weaves in a deep knowledge and understanding of our legal system, sex work and sexual assault, terrorism, illegal drugs, big business, scientific research, relationships and a whole lot more. If this sounds like quite a lot, it is, but the author allows it all to unfold in this long and wonderful book. This reviewer found it to be a very entertaining and riveting read.

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